This is a great book to use in history for a junior high middle school child. It gives a good flavor for the Korean war without going into great depth which is beyond the students ability to comprehend. I served as an Army Pilot in 1983 in Korea, of the books I have consumed about this conflict Robert Leckie is the definitive author on the subject. Again the 20th century history cannot be fully understood in a vacuum. Sadly books seem to come in 2 popular flavors, those that fondly look on the duplicitous and vile acts of the communists and those that wax truthful. The latter are harder to find.-
This is a great book to use in history for a junior high middle school child. It gives a good flavor for the Korean war without going into great depth which is beyond the students ability to comprehend. I served as an Army Pilot in 1983 in Korea, of the books I have consumed about this conflict Robert Leckie is the definitive author on the subject. Again the 20th century history cannot be fully understood in a vacuum. Sadly books seem to come in 2 popular flavors, those that fondly look on the duplicitous and vile acts of the communists and those that wax truthful. The latter are harder to find.-